
PT MSP Hand Over Watershed Rehabilitation Results to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

JAKARTA – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry received a watershed rehabilitation report from PT Mitra Stania Prima (MSP). PT MSP is a company under Arsari Tambang.

President and Director of PT Mitra Stania Prima, Aryo Djojohadikusumo, said that his party prioritizes good and correct mining and reclamation governance.

“We prioritize the concept of good governance, and no less important according to the direction of the Ministry is reclamation,” said Aryo at the Manggala Wanabakti Building of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, on Monday (September 25).

Aryo explained that his party handed over the first phase of watershed rehabilitation on 27 hectares of land. The land was planted with cashew nuts, eucalyptus, and shrimp.

“The 27 hectares that have just been completed are in Central Bangka Regency. Next year, more than 70 hectares may be in Bangka Induk or in Belitung, according to the direction of the Bangka Belitung Watershed Management Center,” said Aryo.

He explained that the plants planted in the rehabilitation of the Bangka Belitung Watershed were in accordance with the needs of local farmer groups.

“Why cashew? Because it can grow well in the former illegal tin sand mining area. Then shrimp cypress, because it can also grow in areas with few nutrients. And eucalyptus because, of course, it is the same as cashew,” Aryo explained.

With this rehabilitation, Aryo said that local residents get basic needs and additional income.

“For 27 hectares, the results are not bad,” said Aryo.

On the same occasion, Muchtar Effendi, Head of the Baturusa Watershed Management Center of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, explained that there is an obligation for companies to carry out reforestation and rehabilitation on the land they manage.

“This is state land. They plant for up to three years. Later, the success will be assessed by the governor of Bangka Belitung,” Muchtar said.




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