
Arsari Tambang Builds Environmentally Friendly Office and Tin Downstreaming Plant

Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta – Arsari Tambang is constructing a new office with an industrial and environmentally friendly concept in the Jelitik Industrial Zone, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The first stone laying took place on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Arsari Tambang, Aryo Djojohadikusumo, stated that the construction of this environmentally friendly office is a manifestation of their support for the government’s initiative regarding the downstreaming of tin minerals.

“This new office is a manifestation of Arsari Tambang’s commitment to support the Indonesian government’s program for downstreaming mining, especially tin,” said Aryo on Friday, September 15, 2023.

The office, built on a 4-hectare land, demonstrates Arsari Tambang’s support for the government’s mining downstreaming program. Several integrated buildings will be erected on this 4-hectare land, including administrative offices, multipurpose buildings, a sports field, places of worship, representative meeting rooms, healthcare facilities, parking areas, and a spacious green zone. All energy used within the office premises will be generated through solar cells or solar panels, adhering to an environmentally friendly concept. This applies from administrative offices to operational areas, harnessing sunlight as energy to minimize the use of electricity.

In terms of waste management, the new office is designed to be eco-friendly and non-hazardous. The planned wastewater disposal system (IPAL) follows a long-term beneficial concept. Utilizing advanced technology with layered programming and a drainage system optimized for the 3R approach (reduce, reuse, and recycle), the waste produced can be minimized, managed, and recycled.

“In the future, it can be repurposed for various uses such as washing and ablution (MCK) and more,” he stated.

Aryo emphasized that in anticipation of the government’s serious plan to develop domestic mining downstreaming, Arsari Tambang is prepared to actively participate in realizing it. This readiness will be actualized in the near future by establishing a solder factory, even though the location has not yet been determined.

“Arsari Tambang is ready to support the government’s downstreaming program. As an example, this year we will lay the foundation stone for the construction of the solder factory. However, we are still deciding on the location. Our options include Babel, Batam, Kendal, and Gresik,” Aryo revealed.

For a successful downstreaming, he highlighted the importance of having skilled human resources, particularly those well-versed in the applicable technologies. In terms of preparing competent human resources, Arsari Tambang plans to collaborate with higher education institutions, including the Bangka Belitung University (UBB).

“We need skilled human resources. In the solder factory, we require capable technicians such as tin specialists, alloy experts, because soldering involves not only tin but also gold, silver, nickel, and more. To cultivate such skilled individuals, we will collaborate with the Universitas Bangka Belitung and establish a global tin research center, partnering with foreign institutions to train technicians who will support the tin downstreaming,” Aryo elaborated.




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