
Arsari Tambang building tin factory to support downstreaming program

(ANTARA) – Arsari Tambang has begun the construction of a factory in Batam, Riau Islands, to support the government’s tin downstreaming program, President Commissioner of PT Arsari Tambang Hashim Djojohadikusumo said in a statement received in Jakarta on Friday.

“The presence of PT Solder Tin Andalan Indonesia (STANIA) is a form of commitment to support the government in the tin mineral downstream program with the aim of increasing commodity added value and strengthening domestic industrial infrastructure,” he said.

The presence of the factory will also increase business opportunities in Indonesia and create new jobs, he added.

The groundbreaking or laying of the first stone for the factory of PT Solder Tin Andalan Indonesia, an affiliate company of Arsari Tambang engaged in the non-iron base metal manufacturing industry and wholesale trade, was held on Friday.

“I think as the media knows that the downstream program started quite a long time ago and is indeed a core program of the government of Pak Jokowi (President Joko Widodo) and Pak Ma’ruf Amin (Vice President),” he said at the groundbreaking ceremony.

Hashim informed that PT Solder Tin Andalan Indonesia will produce tin-based solder in various forms ranging from solder wire to solder paste.

With a low carbon emission production system that utilizes tin ingot raw material, which will also be produced using Arsari Tambang’s low carbon system, PT Solder Tin Andalan Indonesia is expected to become one of the world’s leading providers of soldering products and support industrialization in Indonesia.

“It is used for electronic devices, for example, for electric cars, cell phones, television sets, so it is better for radios. All electronic things need tin solder,” Hashim explained.

On the same occasion, the commissioner of PT Solder Tin Andalan Indonesia, Aryo Djojohadikusumo, informed that the company is targeting a turnover of up to Rp1.2 trillion per year.

The initial investment in the factory’s construction reached Rp100 billion, he added.

“The market that we may be able to get may be up to 16 thousand tons of solder per year with a turnover of Rp1.2 trillion. This is our target when this company has started operating in Batam city (Riau Islands),” he said.

He noted that currently, a large volume of tin from Indonesia is exported to countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, India, America, Europe, and China.

In addition to producing solder efficiently by using production processes, systems, and raw materials that are low in carbon emissions, PT STANIA will also apply international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 45001 at the factory.




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